The Unleashed Church specializes in bringing together Key Leadership, Teams and Developing Successful Strategies to the issues that Communities Face. Each Initiative is developed through R&D, Surveys, Ideation and Leadership Engagement. Once there is an Interest and Commitment to Funding, we gather teams and Initiative Leadership to Launch and Execute the Solution through collaborative grant making efforts with existing Businesses, Nonprofits, Churches and Social Impact Stakeholders.


Socially focused business

This is probably the most difficult endeavor that you can embark on! Mostly because the world, including the church world, sees business as something outside of the church! But God does not call our businesses to be outside of the church. He asks us to BE THE CHURCH. How to do this and execute well is our specialty! We have spent the last 10 years testing and learning what to do and what not to do while incorporating your faith into your business. Have a business and want to invest in a cause strategy? We can help with you the strategy and the marketing to get there.



We help churches have more efficient and effective impact in the community. Pastors, Leaders and Church planters who start churches, programs and social enterprises like coffee shops and community centers are entrepreneurs! The Unleashed Church can help you develop and execute your plan! After 15+ years of church related experience we understand what it takes to execute an idea! Tired of spending nonprofit dollars and seeing no return on your investment? We can help with you the strategy and the marketing to get there!


The ARTS - MEDia, theatre, photography, paint, dance, music

Thinking of starting an endeavor in the arts? Most founders in the Arts struggle with whether to start a nonprofit, for profit or any business entity at all in their choice of passion. We help artists work through how to balance their need for creativity with the need to earn an income. We can bring our nonprofit and business experience around your team and help train and grow your passion right from the beginning! Want to understand how to provide better results for your donors?

We can help with you the strategy and the marketing to get there!