We will be a House of Justice


Find your voice!


Equipping Leaders to be empowered is one of the most important components of the e49 Foundation. Because we believe in our Community and the people in it, we are excited to insure that our Community Leaders are equipped and supported well to have a voice in the community and the world!

Houses of Justice are focused on Micah 6 and Isaiah 58 principles to “Act Justly, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly” while “loosening the chains of injustice, untying the cords of the yoke, set the oppressed free, share the food with the hungry, provide the wanderer shelter and clothing”. If you’re organization would like to work with diverse leaders to train and send out people called to justice ministries, we can help reconcile/mediate existing tensions, train leaders and volunteers on justice awareness and provide a framework for healthy engagement. .


People who are willing to:

Learn, Consider and Humbly walk out a Justice oriented worldview and how people who have been oppressed perceive, manage and respond to well-intentioned ministry that is not grounded in an understanding for the communities they serve.